Ian M. Myers

Marketing Communications in Fort Worth, TX

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Hey there! I'm from the great DFW Metroplex, and that obviously includes being a proud Texan through and through. Growing up, I was blessed to be active in community service, civics, and sales. Those experiences really shaped me, helping me develop solid skills, a knack for business, and a passion for making a difference.

During college, I dove headfirst into various civic efforts at the local, state, and even federal levels. Rubbing shoulders with folks from all walks of life was a great opportunity to soak up diverse perspectives and sharpen the communication chops. Post-graduation led into some forays in political affairs, public policy, and non-profits.

Then came the startup phase! I had the privilege of being part of some great startups that blossomed into national companies. Along the way, I ran a small communications shop catering to clients of all sizes from a wide array of industries.

In the most recent gig, I worked with an annuity brokerage, collaborating with independent financial advisors, producers, and wealth managers. Together, we crafted personalized retirement strategies for their clients and offered them 360-degree support, from marketing & support to planning sales concepts.

Now, if you're on the hunt for someone to jazz up your marketing or communications game, or you need an effective relationship builder to elevate your organization, let's chat! I'm all about giving back, strengthening communities, and forging strong connections to achieve common goals.

Feel free to drop a line here on this site. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Work
    • Communications, Public Affairs
  • Education
    • Ave Maria University